The Rohde & Schwarz Directional Power Meter NAS is the ideal servicing unit wherever power and SWR of all kinds of radio equipment have to be measured. It can be fitted with various types of insertion units for the whole field of mobile radio - including GSM applications.Operation of the NAS is extremely simple and reliable thanks to micro-processor control. Forward and reflected power or forward power and SWR are simultaneously indicated on two large meters.
The insertion unit NAS-Z7 measures the peak envelope power (PEP) of the clocked signal with due consideration of the timing laid down in the GSM specifications. The insertion units are ideal for measurements on mobile stations which according to definition are sending signals in only one of the eight timeslots. Transient overshoots of the signal bursts are eliminated by a signal-controlled circuit so that the forward and reflected power as well as the SWR can be correctly measured and indicated.
Technical details:
The insertion unit NAS-Z7 measures the peak envelope power (PEP) of the clocked signal with due consideration of the timing laid down in the GSM specifications. The insertion units are ideal for measurements on mobile stations which according to definition are sending signals in only one of the eight timeslots. Transient overshoots of the signal bursts are eliminated by a signal-controlled circuit so that the forward and reflected power as well as the SWR can be correctly measured and indicated.
Technical details:
- Impedance 50Ω
- Input N-type female
- Analogic Scale
- Frequency range: (890 to 960) MHz (1710 to 1990) MHz usefull with higher error limits from 850 MHz to 2000 MHz
- Power range: 0.01W a 30W (up to 100W)
- Selftest
- Autocalibration
- Autoranging
- Battery operation
- Automatic
- Switchoff