HP Agilent Keysight, 5342A

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HP Agilent Keysight, 5342A
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Product description
Frequency Counter, 2 Channels 18 GHz
Input 1
Frequency Range: 500MHz to 18GHz
Sensitivity: -22dBm 500MHz to 12.4GHz; -15dBm 12.4GHz to 18GHz
Impedance: 50Ω
Maximum Operating Level: +20dBm
Damage Level: +25dBm peak
Input 2
Frequency Range: 10Hz to 520MHz
Sensitivity: 50Ω 25mV rms 10Hz to 520MHz; 1MΩ 50mV rms 10Hz to 25MHz
Maximum Input: 50Ω 3.5V rms +24dBm or 5Vdc fuse protected; 1MΩ 200Vdc +5V rms
Frequency Standard Output: 10MHz square wave 1.5Vpp into 50Ω
IF Output: 50MHz to 100MHz
Front Panel
Input 1 500MHz to 18GHz N-type Female
Input 2 10Hz to 520MHz BNC Female
Rear Panel
External Frequency Standard Input BNC Female
Frequency Standard Output BNC Female
IF Output BNC Female
Digital to Analogue Converter (not connected) BNC Female
HP-IB (Option)
  • Max. Frequency: 18 GHz
  • Min. Frequency: 10 Hz
  • Channels: 2
  • Digit: 11
  • Resolution: from 1 Hz to 1 MHz