Wavetek, Stabilock SI 4040

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Wavetek, Stabilock SI 4040
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Product description

Communication Test Set 0.4 - 960 MHz (1850 with option 022 040)

Receiver Measurement
Carrier Frequency
Frequency range: 0.4-960 MHz
Resolution: 10 Hz

Level resolution: 0.1 dB

Impedance: 50Ω

Brodband FM
Max Range: 0 - 80 kHz

Range: 0 - 6 rad
Resolution: 0.01 rad

AM (interruption free EMF at 0 dB)
Range: 0 - 90%
Resolution: 0.1%


Transmitter Measurement
Frequency Measurement
Frequency range: 30 kHz - 960 MHz
Resolution: 10 Hz
Input range
at RF socket: 0.3 mW - 50 W
at RF DIRECT: 3 - 100 mV

FM Demodulation: Dev 0 - 50 kHz


  • Max. Frequency: 960 (1850) MHz
  • Min. Frequency: 0.4 MHz
  • Power range: -113 to 13 dBm
  • Resolution: 10 Hz; 01 dB