Anritsu, MG3692A
Sei in: GENERATORI RF » Digitale
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Descrizione del prodotto
The Anritsu MG3692A signal generator is an electronic instrument that generates repeating electronic signals. It contains an electronic oscillator, a circuit that is capable of creating a repetitive waveform.
- Frequency Range: 2-20 GHz
- Resolution - 0.01 Hz
- Phase Offset - 0.1 dB steps
- RF Frequency Coverage Extension, down to 0.1 Hz
- Best solution for dual RF and Microwave applications
- An optional down-converter covers 10 MHz to 2 GHz
- An optional DDS offers additional coverage to 0.1 Hz
- Excellent Phase Noise performance as standard
- Add optional ultra low phase noise > 2 GHz
- Add an optional digital down-converter for:
- Lowest Phase Noise RF source from 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz
- < 130 dBc/Hz @ 1 GHz, 10 kHz offset
- High Output Power
- 13 dBm standard (@ 20 GHz)
- 17 dBm optional (@ 20 GHz)
- 14 dBm optional (@ 40 GHz)
- Wide Attenuation Range
- 110 dB Mechanical Attenuator Option
- 120 dB Electronic Attenuator Option
- AM/FM/ØM/PM, External or Internal option
- 100 ns leveled pulse width >2 GHz, 1 µs
- IF Up-Conversion Option
- Obtain IQ-modulation microwave signals by up-converting a modulated IF signal
- Digital or Analog Sweep
- Frequenza massima: 20 GHz
- Frequenza minima: 2 GHz (10 MHz opt.5)
- Potenza uscita massima: 13 dBm (17 dBm opt.15A)
- Risoluzione: 0.01 Hz